Mosimane confirms offers after CAF Pro License announcement

Mosimane confirms offers after CAF Pro License announcement

Mosimane confirms offers after CAF Pro License announcement

One of Africa™s most successful coaches Pitso Mosimane says he has offers to return to the dugout, but is currently weighing up his options.

The 58-year-old is on the market at the moment after leaving Egyptian giants Al Ahly in June having won two CAF Champions League titles.

Mosimane, now armed with the CAF Pro License, says he is ready to come out of his very brief sabbatical.

œWe always have offers, the hold was for me to take a little bit of a break. To be honest I needed that break. 21 years-I™ve always spoke about the sabbatical that I never took now I got my chance and eeh I don™t know, I feel good, I feel happy to be home.

œThe feet will always itch, but eeh also there must be a right project. You just don™t leave the team that you know you will go to the Champions League final with and you™ve done it three times in a row, that will take you to the World Cup, that will have you to mix with the Bayern and to mix with the Chelsea and all that, it's another level. You don™t just leave that team and suddenly you go anywhere else - and then what™s in for you? You know what I™m trying to say said Mosimane

He adds that because the only major trophy he is yet to win is the Africa Cup of Nations, accepting a national team job is not out of the question.

"Yes, offers are there, but it must be the right project and yah I™m open even national teams-why not? Because maybe the only thing I haven™t won in the continent is the AFCON. Let™s do the AFCON maybe Mosimane added.

Even though the CAF Pro License has the potential to help Mosimane finally get recognition outside the continent, the coach insists that his work must do the talking before his qualifications.

But ˜Jingles™ also raises concerns that some of his counterparts in Africa still do not meet the criteria to sit in the dugout.

There™s been suggestions that Mosimane has unfinished business from his two-year stint with Bafana Bafana following the 2010 World Cup.

But he says his contribution to SA football doesn™t necessarily mean he has to return for a second spell.

œI don™t believe that being with a national team, the football association or contributing to the football of the country then you must be a Bafana coach, I mean it™s part of that but it™s not the whole thing.

œSo there are many things we could do with the football federation to support and develop football, so that™s what I™m doing and by the way it has nothing to do with the certificate I™m getting here today, but because Dr Jordaan spoke, he spoke further about my school sport and I™m glad he spoke about that its means they know what we are doing and it means good.

œYes I did come to him-I had tea with him here, I gave him the vision that I am technical guy I don™t want to run-I don™t want problems with SAFA, Danone tournament I don™t want to go there, that™s not my space Mosimane told the media.

Looking ahead, Mosimane is clearly in no hurry.

By: Mazola Molefe