SA Men’s Hockey to face heavyweights Belgium in Olympic preparations

SA Men’s Hockey to face heavyweights Belgium in Olympic preparations

The South African Men’s Hockey team will face defending Olympic champions Belgium in a warm-up friendly match in Antwerp before the start of the Paris Games in July.

Coach Cheslyn Gie has told SABC Sport that competing against one of the tournament favourites will provide a clear measure of the team’s progress in their preparations.

The team will participate in a two-match series as part of their build-up to the Olympics, and Gie is eagerly anticipating these warm-up games.

"For our preparations for the Olympics, we'll be spending two weeks in Antwerp, Belgium, where we'll have a training camp," Gie told SABC Sport.

"And we are fortunate enough to play at least one [match] against Belgium, who are the defending Olympic champions, so that's a friendly international match.

"And then we'll also play against a Belgian invitational side, or their Belgium A side."

READ: SA Mens Hockey won’t make up Olympic numbers - Cheslyn Gie

Gie revealed that the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee have agreed to their request to move into the Olympic village earlier than initially scheduled, so as to allow for better acclimatisation before their opening match on 27 July.

"We need to be very thankful towards SASCOC, who have allowed us to move into the Village a week early to help us with some preparation and acclimatising to the facilities and pitches we'll be playing on," he added.

"So that will give us three weeks together as a team before we play our first match at the Olympics, and I'm hoping that will stand us in good stead, and that we can give our best at the Olympics."