
Jaime Lozano resigns as Mexico coach after early Copa America exit

Jaime Lozano has stepped down from his role as head coach of Mexico following their disappointing group stage exit from the Copa America.

Lionel Messi in training with Argentina national team in Doha, Qatar

PREVIEW: FIFA World Cup Group C - Argentina vs Mexico

SABC Sport previews the next FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 fixture between Argentina and Mexico, which will be broadcast live on SABC Sport Channels, SABC Radio Stations and

Guillermo Ochoa saving a Robert Lewandowski penalty

Guillermo Ochoa saves a Robert Lewandowski penalty to rescue a point for Mexico

Robert Lewandowski’s hunt for a World Cup finals goal goes on after his missed penalty meant Poland had to settle for a point in an untidy and goalless Group C encounter with Mexico.